The vision or the mission of the FBTC will be effectively achieved only if; we work together and focus on four critical areas of ministry:


By encouraging private worship and prayer

By providing public worship opportunities

By encouraging the continued awareness of and response to God’s presence


By equipping members for service and ministry

By teaching the Word of God in accurate and practical ways

By helping people discover, develop and use their spiritual gifts, talents and ability for building up the church

By encouraging an atmosphere of love, acceptance and forgiveness

By ministering to, supporting and strengthening our church families.


By sponsoring events designed to bring the Church family together

By encouraging ministries to plan events


By training in the ministry of evangelism

Be sponsoring events designed to reach those who are seeking Jesus Christ

By building relationships with un-churched people in this community and get involved in (FRANGELISM), Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances and Neighbors.

By supporting missions locally and abroad

By reaching out to the church and the local community

By helping people in their immediate needs

By creating opportunities to present the gospel to those not reached by other ministries

By applying biblical truths to improve the quality of our community life both public and private.